C (276/301)

From:Christian Hattemer
Date:18 Aug 99 at 12:04:07
Subject:Re: Structure Arrays

From: Christian Hattemer <Chris@heaven.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de>

On 18-Aug-99 Allan Odgaard wrote:

> OK - though I wouldn't be surprised if MUIM_List_Insert is simply a
> wrapper for a loop with MUIM_List_InsertSingle. The only advantage is that

I would say the opposite: Insert_Single could be a wrapper for Insert to
reduce complexity, since "MUIM_List_Insert has caused some confusion".

Also Insert is there since V4 while InsertSingle was added in V7.

Bye, Chris

__ /// Amiga 4000T 040/40 Team *AMIGA*
\XX/ http://www.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de/~chris/

PC-User: Ich hab' gestern einen 386er und `nen 486er aus dem Fenster geworfen.
Der 486er war tats�chlich schneller!